Democracy Foundation New Zealand

Welcome to the Democracy Foundation of New Zealand!

VOTE ON NOMINATED ORGANISATIONS – Undemocratic or Democratic?

But, seriously…..

The Democracy Foundation has been established to:

  • Help fund democracy initiatives in New Zealand.
  • Help the development of New Zealand society and culture through improving democratic processes.
  • Educate the public about Democracy.
  • Enable votes by citizens on great and less great organisations for democracy in New Zealand.
  • Lobby for pro Democracy change in New Zealand.
  • Help fund the costs of communicating approved voting messages to the public.
  • Work to encourage and allow the interconnectivity of independent voting platforms for the common good of democracy in New Zealand.
  • Help the public understand public decision making.

The Democracy Foundation New Zealand has applied for charity status.

The Democracy Foundation

  • Supports the literal use of the actual definition of democracy “The Rule Of the People”. Democracy is often stated as “people having a say”, or “the right to vote for who you like to represent you”. These definitions are have been adapted over time from the original definition. We support the original version as being the correct definition.
  • Politically agnostic, or apolitical. It does not support any political party or agenda.
  • Supportive of the sovereign right of the individual to vote on all matters of substance that impact on them.
  • Supports initiatives towards the understanding, education and development of democracy in New Zealand.
  • Supports community initiatives to use a transparent fully democratic process in their decision making.
  • Empowerment of citizens through democratic principles.
  • Supports fully understanding the decision prior to voting, presentation from multiple angles, never one source.
  • Supports all political decisions having a requirement to have a mandate from people.
  • Supports changes to the Citizens Initiated Referenda Act to make decisions on Referenda binding on authorities.
  • Supports the learning by the public of the public decision making process, so they may have increasingly constructive input into the process.
  • Will use funds raised on this website and provided by funders for the above purposes for charitable purposes for the development of democracy in New Zealand.